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Personal Development Through Life Skills
Click here to get your free copy of our Youth Under Construction Magazine. It has tips and strategies to help you better relate to your teen.
*Are you having trouble connecting with your teens?
*Do your teens have the transitional life skills needed to survive in the real world?
* Do you know how to teach your teens transitional life skills?
* Are you willing to do what it takes to help your teens learn transitional life skills to give them a chance at life?
Problem Worth Solving
Communicating, connecting with and motivating todays’ youth can be challenging. My 13 years of experience as a college basketball coach in a high-pressure environment gave me a great understanding of what youth go through, how they think, and feel as it pertains to where and how they will fit into society. They are wondering what their true purpose in life is.
I help them stay connected to the person on the inside while managing that person on the outside. The "Public Eye Person." They will learn to think beyond their current circumstances to better focus on their future.
Transitional life skills, being seen and heard, having a sense of belonging, an emotional connection and confidence are what youth are missing. This creates difficulty with overcoming obstacles, solving problems, discovering visions, believing in themselves, and achieving goals.
“[life skills] are defined as psychosocial abilities for adaptive and positive [behavior] that [enables] individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.”
I believe for youth to maximize their full potential as people it is crucial for them to first master their life skills and personal development. This will give them the base and confidence they need to have an opportunity to achieve success in life.
There is a correlation between life skills and mental health. When youth don’t have the life skills to handle different challenges that occur, they lose self esteem and belief in themselves. This leads to anxiety and depression, which leads to bad decisions and actions.
Our Solution
They are put through a series of interactive life skills training and personal development workshops customized to fit their needs as it relates to their current, future, personal and professional life.
Life skills help youth learn more about themselves, their values, their challenges, and goals. Self-examination allows young people to become more aware of their personal struggles and recognize they already have the tools (life skills) to either manage those struggles or recognize they might need help.
Learning life skills will help reduce mental health challenges in youth. These fundamental skills will help solve problems before youth know they exist.
The life skills training allows me to empower them to take action. Motivation, commitment, and action are the keys to their success. They learn what it takes to live a sustainable life.
Interactive Training Options
Ability to choose specifically what is needed with1:1 or group sessions
Personal Accountability- Building their personal brand. Includes who they want to be, not what, self-discipline and self-confidence. Youth stopped asking questions because they were told to go google it and you can’t google how to trust yourself and find validation. Technology has caused youth not to engage in themselves and on their own.
Leadership- Learn leadership through emotional Intelligence and interpersonal skills
Emotional Intelligence Assessment- Gage how well they mange emotions and thought process of themselves and others as well as uncover their AOI (Area of Improvement).
Decision Making and Problem-solving- Learn to identify solutions and make more deliberate and thoughtful decisions.
Code Switching - They will master the art of code switching (the 5 R's) to better mange relationships. While protecting their inner being.
Workplace Etiquette- Behaviors & Ethics.
Mental Health Awareness-Learn to identify and manage their emotions and overall mental health.
Design Your Life Purpose- Sets a foundation and gets the needle moving on a future career and life they desire.
8-Step Goal Setting Plan- Learn to set goals, create action plans, measure success and build in accountability.
Conflict Resolution- Learn best practices to solve conflicts.
Diversity & Inclusion- Understanding and adapting to other cultures.
Coping- Learn mechanisms and strategies to handle life's stressors.
Sessions are performed live, virtually, telephone, and text.
Benefits for Youth
During any transitional point in our lives, it can be easy to lose a sense of who we are, what we are worth and where we are heading.
The transition between childhood and adulthood is fueled by hormone imbalances, mood swings, heartbreak and body changes. All of these make everyday problems more stressful. For young people who are feeling overwhelmed and under a lot of pressure, a youth coach can give them the chance to recognize and voice their worries. With a youth coach, the teenager can discover what is most important to them and who it is they want to be..
There are many things a young person feel they need to know and achieve by the time they are leaving school. You may hear a child say, “Everyone expects me to...” or “I should do this...” rather than “I want to...”. This stage of life can be a balancing act, young people are learning who they are, as well as trying to make friends, family and teachers happy.
Talking with a youth coach can help a young person say, “I really want to do this” confidently, proudly and without guilt.
Young people who work with me can benefit in the following ways:
They get the opportunity to talk about difficult subjects they are very personal to them.
They are encouraged to recognize different views and see the world from a new perspective.
They come to the realization that self-improvement is important to them.
They learn to handle and manage emotions.
They get the support of an objective and non-judgmental mentor. Youth get to a point where they feel the need to take the wheel to their life. This is when they seek more separation and privacy from parents.
They learn to build confidence and social skills.
They will leave with a new sense of independence, motivation and inspiration.
They learn how to figure out their own solutions based on their personal life situation.
I will work with them to identify their needs and discuss their concerns. I will act as the support beside them while they jump the hurdles toward a stable future. Some will need a handheld approach throughout the journey, while others may only need to be pointed in the right direction. The key is helping all of them become independent enough to be pointed in the right direction.
I teach them to live life on life's terms.